Regular Activities
Regular bookings include the Montessori Nursery School, Impact Dance Studios, Fairy Footsteps, Surrey Singing School, yoga classes, Pilates classes, adult fitness classes including a class for the older age group, pre-school activity groups (Little Kickers and Tiny Tunes), Claygate Village WI, Claygate Gardening Society, Elmbridge U3A, and adult line and sequence dance groups.
For the full calendar of activities please see below.
At other times Claygate Village Hall is available to hire for meetings, parties and events of all kinds – contact the Lettings Manager via or 07546 941516 or via contact.
Regular Groups
For Children
Claygate Montessori School​
Pre-school for children aged 1½ -4 runs on weekdays during term time
Contact Sophie Hardie at or for more info visit
Little Kickers​
Early years football for children aged 1½-5 held every Monday morning
For more info visit
​Pre-school physical skills classes every Tuesday morning
For more info visit
Impact Dance Studios
Dance classes for children aged 5-18 held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school and on Saturday mornings
For more info visit
For pre-school classes see Fairy Footsteps
​Fairy Footsteps
​Pre-school ballet classes held on Thursday morning, afternoon and after school
For more info visit
Tiny Tunes
​A pre-school pay as you go music and dance class held every Wednesday morning
For more info visit
Surrey Singing School
​A singing and acting school held on a Friday after school
For more info visit
For Adults
Claygate Dramatic Society
​An amateur dramatic society which rehearses on Monday & Thursday evenings
For more info visit
Claygate Village WI
​A branch of the Women's Institute which meets every 2nd Thursday evening of the month
For more info visit
Claygate Gardening Society
​Members meet on the 4th Thursday of the month (Oct-April excl. Dec) in the evening for horticultural-related talks
For more info visit
Elmbridge U3A
​Members meet every month on the 1st Wednesday of the month in the afternoon for an hour-long talk and refreshments
For more info visit
Claygate Tea Dance
​A group which meets to dance on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month in the afternoon
For more info visit
Pilates With Melony
​A Pilates Group offering beginner to advanced sessions on Tuesday afternoon, Thursday evening and Friday morning
For more info visit
Just For Kicks Line Dancing
​A line-dancing group which meets every Tuesday evening
For more info visit
​Yoga sessions held every Wednesday evening
For more info visit ​
Moves Fitness
​An exercise group offering pay as you go dance & fitness classes suitable for all ages on a Monday evening
'Gold' classes are held on a Thursday morning and include seated, low impact exercises which are gentler than normal
For more info visit